Saturday, February 13, 2010

who cares about the super bowl?
what have you got to eat?

for super bowl sunday i wanted a dish that would impress. something that football fans as well as fairweather fans (like myself) would gobble up.

hmmm.....i got it! sauerkraut balls!

my aunt makes THE BEST sauerkraut balls. THE. BEST.

she is known for them and her family recipe is a highly coveted. thankfully, she likes me and was willing to share.

i thought these were going to be a lot of work. and 5+ hours of cooking, rolling, dredging, breading and frying later - my suspicions were confirmed.

this is a two day process. on day one you cook your pork and onions and garlic and you mix it with parsley and spices. then it has to chill over night.

day two is the rolling, dredging, breading and frying.

i set up my station and went to town. i rolled and i dredged and i breaded and i fried. again and again and again and again.

these were a MONSTER hit. delicious!! worth all of the work.

though, i must admit these will not be a regular in my repertoire. these are special occasion only! and next time i'm recruiting an assistant!

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