per usual i am being quite erratic with my postings. c'est la vie.
life is for livin' not bloggin'!
in any case, here are some of the things i've been eating and cooking and doing since we last saw each other.
i made grape jam for the first time a few months ago and boy is it delicious!
first we picked a buncha grapes.

then i slipped 'em outta their skins and pureed the skins with a little sugar. then it all went into a pot with some sugar and it cooked for a long, long time.

then i put the jam through the food mill to get rid of all those pesky seeds.

then into the jars for processing so i can eat it all winter long!

oh, and i made some grape juice too. soooooooooooooooooo good!!

and while the tomatoes were still kickin' i roasted, pureed and froze a bunch. now i can take those little containers outta the freezer, defrost 'em, add some stock and voila! roasted tomato soup and sauces! mmm!
here they are right outta the oven. killer! roasted with a little olive oil and salt in a 400 degree oven for like an hour. these were some san marzanos i snagged at the farmers market. i am going to plant like 70 of these suckers next season!

into the food processor. i just pulsed them a bit. you still want to have some chunks.

off to the freezer with these little gems!

oh! i made some chicken tikka masala the other night.
man oh man was it tasty.
check out this MONSTER chicken breast!
we've had meat birds all summer and we could've butchered them back in august but they like pecking around the yard and hanging with the other birds and i don't really like butchering so we've let them live. until recently that is.
this breast weighed 2lbs! fucking crazy!

i marinated the chicken in a really yummy yogurt marinade for about an hour. then i skewered the chunks and broiled them for about 4-5 minutes per side. mmm!


and even more yum - all finished with a side of naan and coriander chutney.

we picked up a rooster at the county fair and named him sue. and then he had his way with every hen in the coop and we hatched our very first chicks!
let me introduce you (from back to front) to mortimer, billy valentine and randolph. three cheers for anyone who can name our movie inspiration behind those names!
we went to NYC on halloween to see one of the very best bands in the land. we were in the city for 29 hours and managed to stuff our faces with some really good grub.
case in point - park italian gourmet.
that sandwich was hands down the best italian sub this gal has ever consumed. the bread - oh the bread! - it was marvelous. and it was loaded down with prosciutto, capicola and real mozzarella. a little tomato and lettuce and dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. i could've eaten ten of those things! we also got a side of calamari salad that was just tops. and they gave us extra bread to dunk in the oily dressing on the salad.
park italian gourmet KICKED TOTAL ASS and if you ever find yourself in midtown you should stop there.
we also snacked on a delicious belgian waffle with nutella and walnuts from a cart in central park and of course we got pizza.
oh NYC pizza you are truly the best in the land. my love for you is a fiery passion and if i was closer to you i would gobble you up every single damn day. i love you NYC pizza. and i would carry your child if you'd let me.
over and out!
Great blog. I've never tried making jam from scratch. It sure looks delicious. I love the names you gave your rooster and little chicks... very cool.
I collected a lot of interesting things from your blog especially its discussion. From the tons of comments in your posts, I believe I’m not alone having all the enjoyment here! keep up the great work.
I wanted to learn how to can, thank you so much. Great Blog!
I'm going to attempt canning here soon. So excited! I have green beans and limas and beets, oh and tomatoes to do. Love the "Trading Places" chicks! :)
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